• 2 years ago
  • 1


Tororo prison primary school on Monday received 800 tree seedlings that included 600 indigenous trees and 200 fruit bearing trees. The seedlings that were received with a lot of jubilation by the school were donated bystrata stone partners limited a company that deals in building and selling of homes.

The head of operations strata stone partners limited Apai Patience Winnie said that it is the company’s obligation to give back to the community and as well support in the environmental sustainability to curb the challenges of climate change.

She therefore reminded the school fraternity on their collective responsibilities of ensuring proper management of the tree project

Ofwono Paul the school head teacher with great joy received the tree seedlings on behalf of the school.

He thanked strata stone partners limited for counting Tororo prisons primary school worthy to partner with them in the tree planting project which he said when trees mature will be of great advantage to the school for shelter, income generation to the school and fruits for food by both teachers and the learners.

The head teacher pledged their full support in protecting and ensuring proper management of the trees at all cost.

Akiru Bernadette one of the teachers equally applauded strata stone partners for considering Tororo prison primary school for the project. She said as teachers they will jealously guard the trees till maturity.

The pupils represented by the school head boy Onyango Nicodemus expressed their gratitude upon receiving the seedlings as songs of joy were heard in every Conner of the school.

In the memorandum of understanding signed between strata stone partners limited and Tororo prison primary school partly states that in the event the school takes good care of the tress, the company will pay the parental contribution for the best performing 40 girls in the 3 terms of 2023 and also pay P.L.E registration fees for the best performing 20 girls in 2023.

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